Harga Audi TTS Coupe 2.0 TFSI

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Audi TTS Coupe 2.0 TFSI

Rincian Dan Informasi Asas Audi TTS Coupe 2.0 TFSI

Informasi Asas
Product name TTS Coupe 2.0 TFSI
Category Mobil
Merek Audi
Cencor Kecelakaan Iya
Technical Details
Kecepatan Maksimal 250 kmph
Akselerasi 4.6 s
Engine Kapasitas 1984 cubical sentimeter (cc)
Mesin 2 L
Fuel Supply System TFSI
AC Iya
Lambu Kabut Iya
Headlight Type Xenon
Fuel Bensin
Maximum Torque 380
Energi Maksimal 307
Transmission Type Matic
Jenis Penggerak 4WD
Number of Cylinders 4
Valves per Cylinder 4
Compression Ratio
Power Steering Iya
Jenis Gelindingan Setir Rack & Pinion
Valve Configuration DOHC
Gearbox 7 Speed
Number of Doors 2
Volume Kargo 305 L
Seat 2
Brake System
Versi Rem Depan Disk Berventilasi
Versi Rem Belakang Disk Berventilasi
Brake Assist Iya
Tas Udara Iya
Cencor Parkir Iya
Alarm Mobil Iya
Power Window Depan Iya
Power Window Belakang No
Spion Lipat Elektrik Iya
Dimensi 4198 x 1952 x 1345 milimeter(mm)
Sunroff Iya
Whell Rinci
Ukuran Velg 18 inch
Wheel Base 2468 milimeter(mm)
Versi Ban Radial
Ukuran Ban 255 / 45 R18
Velg Alloy Iya

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